As long as I can remember, we’ve been kitchen people. Cooking, cleaning, kaffeklatching, it’s the kitchen and kitchen table at the center of our home.

I loved working with my Grandmothers, my mother, and aunts. Helping with the little chores assigned to the little girls I would listen to them visit and gossip, and laugh about all the things.  Sometimes, now, peeling carrots I’ll look down and see my grandmother’s hands and smile.

Now our children and grandchildren join us. My daughter and sons are the helpers and my grandchildren are the little helpers.

The older I get the more aware I am of importance of this continuity. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Family traditions stay the heart of the family.

Our recipes reflect my personal journey. I grew up in Wisconsin, moved to Alaska, snowbird in Florida. My husband and I travel often and love trying new cuisines and flavors. The recipes are tested and served to us first! If we don’t love it – it won’t end up in this blog.

I believe in real food served in human size portions. I’d rather spend a bit more on quality and serve just a little bit less. I’m not a fan of preservatives or food coloring.

Wasting food should be a cardinal sin and being stingy creates bad karma.

We hope you enjoy our recipes and we look forward to hearing about yours.

~ Grandma


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Break-Through Recipe #1

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent in varius ante. Sed quis luctus eros. Phasellus rutrum laoreet leo in consequat.

Wayne Barnett

Founder & CEO

Angela Caroll

Chief Editor

Walter Gordon

Head of Recipes

Angela Lopez

Junior Chef

Scott Estrada


Barbara Ramos

Graphic Designer

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